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With advancements in the field of medicinethere is a lot of relief for asthma patientsA little understanding on how asthma attacks happen will help in understanding how to control itAsthma is an allergic reaction caused by narrowing of the airway with thick mucuswhich makes breathing difficultDuring an attackthe person can have a dry coughface shortness of breath and wheezing.
Recurrent episode of paroxysmal dyspnoeadifficulty in breathingThe breathing is labouredwith a wheezing soundmainly on expirationAsthma attacks often occur in the early hours of morningwhen there is no immediate precipitating causeDuring the attack patients often prefers to sit then lie down.
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When your body is under stress such as from fevertraumasuch as a car accidentinfectionor surgeryadrenal insufficiency can get worse and you may have any of the side effects listed above.
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