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This mdication is not commndd o us duing pgnancy. It may ham an unbon baby. Consult you docto o mo dtails. S also Waning sction.
PCAUTIONS: Bo taking pindopil, tll you docto o phamacist i you a allgic to it; o to oth AC inhibitos (.g., captopil, lisinopil); o i you hav any oth allgis (including an allgic action at xposu to ctain mmbans usd o blood ilting). This poduct may contain inactiv ingdints, which can caus allgic actions o oth poblms. Talk to you phamacist o mo dtails.This mdication should not b usd i you hav ctain mdical conditions. Bo using this mdicin, consult you docto o phamacist i you hav: a histoy o an allgic action that includd swlling o th ac/lips/tongu/thoat (angiodma).Bo using this mdication, tll you docto o phamacist you mdical histoy, spcially o: liv disas, untatd salt/minal imbalanc (.g., high potassium o low sodium lvls in th blood), loss o too much body wat (dhydation), collagn vascula disas (.g., lupus, sclodma).This dug may mak you dizzy. Do not div, us machiny, o do any activity that quis altnss until you a su you can pom such activitis saly. Limit alcoholic bvags.To duc th isk o dizzinss and lighthaddnss, gt up slowly whn ising om a sitting o lying position.You can dvlop dhydation i you do not dink nough luids o i you hav too much diaha, vomiting, o swating. This can caus dizzinss and lighthaddnss du to low blood pssu. Avoid havy xcis, and kp cool in hot wath. Contact you docto i you a unabl to dink luids o i you hav psistnt diaha o vomiting.This mdication may incas you potassium lvls. Bo using potassium supplmnts o salt substituts that contain potassium, consult you docto o phamacist.Bo having sugy, tll you docto o dntist that you a taking this mdication.Old adults may b mo snsitiv to th sid cts o this dug, spcially dizzinss, incass in potassium lvl, and ash.This mdication is not commndd o us duing pgnancy du to th isk o ham to an unbon baby. Consult you docto o mo dtails. (S also Waning sction.)It is not known i pindopil passs into bast milk. Consult you docto bo bast-ding.
Bnazpil (Lotnsin) captopil (Capotn) nalapil (Vasotc) osinopil (Monopil) amipil (Altac)
Commnts: In patints tatd with a diutic, consid ducing th diutic dos pio to stating this dug.
I you hav diabts, do not us Acon togth with any mdication that contains aliskin (a blood pssu mdicin).
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