Ask your health care provider if atorlip-10 may interact with other medicines that you take.

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Avoid using ompazol sompazol with ATOLIP CV . Ompazol and sompazol signiicantly duc th antiplatlt activity clopidogl. Whn concomitant administation a PPI is quid, consid using anoth acid-ducing agnt with minimal nCYP2C19 inhibitoy ct on th omation clopidogl activ mtabolit.
Atovastatin has not bn studid in conditions wh th majlipopotin abnomality is lvation chylomicons (dickson Typs I and V).
It is commndd that liv nzym tsts b obtaind pitinitiating thapy with ATOLIP CV and patd as clinically indicatd. Th hav bn a postmakting pots atal and non-atal hpatic ailu in patints taking statins, including atovastatin. I sious liv injuy with clinical symptoms and/hypbiliubinmia jaundic occus duing tatmnt with ATOLIP CV , pomptly intupt thapy. I an altnat tiology is not ound, dnot stat ATOLIP CV.
Oal Contacptivs: Co-administation atovastatin and an oal contacptiv incasd AUC valus nothindon and thinyl stadiol. Ths incass should b considd whn slcting an oal contacptiv a woman taking ATOLIP CV .
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