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Information about Cymbalta.
Some patients taking Cymbalta have developed liver problemsIn rare casesthis has lead to liver failure and deathContact your health care provider immediately if you develop any of the following symptoms while taking Cymbalta:
Screen patients for bipolar disorderrisk of mixed/manic episodes is increased in patients treated with antidepressants.
AlsoSNRIs often have less bothersome side effects than tricyclic antidepressantssuch as amitriptylinewhich are sometimes prescribed to those with fibromyalgia.
In rare casesa life-threatening condition called serotonin syndrome has occurred in patients who have taken CymbaltaSerotonin syndrome most often results when someone takes two or more medications that increase the body’s serotonin levels at the same timeYou need serotonin for your brain and nerve cells to functionbut too much of it can be dangerousSerotonin syndrome can lead to rapid changes in blood pressuremuscle rigidityseizuresand even death.
Cymbalta may cause a drop in saltsodiumlevels in the blooda potentially life-threatening condition called hyponatremiaOlder adultsparticularly those who take diureticswater pillsare more likely to develop this complicationHyponatremia can cause headachesconfusionweaknessand in severe cases can lead to faintingseizurescomaand death.
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