The extended-release formula glucophage xr is taken once a day, with the evening meal.

Information about Glucophage.
Take with meals one to three times a dayBe sure to check with your healthcare provider about how much to take and how often you should take each doseYour healthcare provider may want you to combine Glucophage with another type of diabetes pill or insulin to further improve your controlSince it works differently than the other diabetes medicationsit will not interfere with their actionYour healthcare provider will determine the best treatment for you.
Before using this medicationtell your doctor or pharmacist your medical historyespecially ofsevere breathing problemssuch as obstructive lung diseasesevere asthmablood problemssuch as anemiavitamin B12 deficiencykidney diseaseliver disease.
Stop taking this medication and tell your doctor right away if this very serious side effect occurslactic acidosissee Warning section
Our blood glucose levelor blood sugar level,is the amount of glucose in the bloodGlucose levels are measured most commonly to diagnose or to monitor diabetesIt is also important to keep an eye on blood glucose levels during certain situationssuch aspregnancypancreatitis and increasing age.
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