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Information about Depakote.
Rememberkeep this and all other medicines out of the reach of childrennever share your medicines with othersand use Depakote only for the indication prescribed.
Signs of inflammation in your bodyswollen glandsflu symptomssevere tingling or numbnessmuscle weaknesschest painnew or worsening cough with fevertrouble breathing.
In case of emergencywear or carry medical identification to let others know you use Depakote.
Frequency not reportedAplastic anemiabone marrow suppressionbruisingeosinophiliafrank hemorrhagehypofibrinogenemiaanemia including macrocytic with or without folate deficiencyrelative lymphocytosisRef]
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you may open the depakote sprinkle capsule and sprinkle the contents onto a teaspoon of soft food such as applesauce or pudding.