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Instruct patients to inform their doctor that they are taking Glucovance prior to any surgical or radiological procedureas temporary discontinuation of Glucovance may be required until renal function has been confirmed to be normalsee PRECAUTIONS
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Symptoms of high blood sugarhyperglycemiainclude thirstincreased urinationconfusiondrowsinessflushingrapid breathingand fruity breath odorIf these symptoms occurtell your doctor right awayYour dosage may need to be increased.
Before having surgery or any X-ray/scanning procedure using iodinated contrasttell your doctor or dentist about all the products you useincluding prescription drugsnonprescription drugsand herbal productsYou may need to stop this medication for a short time for the surgery/procedureAsk your doctor or dentist for instructions before your surgery/procedure.
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