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Proven to help treat tonic-clonicgrand maland psychomotortemporal lobeseizuresand to prevent and treat seizures that happen during or after brain surgery.
AllergySome people who are allergic to carbamazepine or barbiturates also experience allergic reactions to phenytoinBefore you take phenytoininform your doctor about any previous adverse reactions you have had to medicationsespecially other medications for seizuresContact your doctor at once if you experience signs of an allergic reactionsuch as skin rashitchingdifficulty breathing or swelling of the face and throat.
Do not change your dose of DILANTIN without talking to your healthcare providerOnly your doctor can recommend changing your medicationWhen a change in the dosage form or brand is prescribedcareful monitoring of phenytoin serum levels should be carried out by your doctor.
Suicidal thoughts and behaviourSome people taking anti-seizure medications may have suicidal thoughts or behaviourIf this happens to you or you notice this in a family member who is taking this medicationcontact your doctor immediatelyYou should be closely monitored by your doctor for emotional and behaviour changes while taking this medication.
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