Answer imdur is a long acting organic nitrate compound.

Information about Imdur.
Do not use isosorbide mononitrate if you are taking sildenafilViagraRevatioSeriouslife-threatening side effects can occur if you take isosorbide mononitrate while you are using sildenafil.
PDE-5 inhibitorsegavanafilsildenafiltadalafilor vardenafilconcomitant use can cause severe hypotensionsyncopeor myocardial ischemia.
Overdose symptoms may include a severe throbbing headachefeverconfusiondizziness or spinning sensationfast or pounding heartbeatsvision problemsnauseavomitingstomach painbloody diarrheatrouble breathingsweatingcold or clammy skinfeeling light-headedfaintingand seizureconvulsions
Not all brands and forms of isosorbide mononitrate are taken the same number of times per dayYou may need to take the medication only once dailyin the morning after getting out of bedOr you may need a second dose later in the dayFollow your doctor’s dosing instructions very carefully.
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