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Clinicians are reminded that there is no completely reliable method for determining whether a patient has had an adequate opioid-free periodA naloxone challenge test may be helpful if there is any question of occult opioid dependenceIf signs of opioid withdrawal are still observed following naloxone challengetreatment with REVIA should not be attemptedThe naloxone challenge can be repeated in 24 hours.
The naloxone challenge test should not be performed in a patient showing clinical signs or symptoms of opioid withdrawalor in a patient whose urine contains opioidsThe naloxone challenge test may be administered by either the intravenous or subcutaneous routes.
Patients should be warned of the risk of hepatic injury and advised to seek medical attention if they experience symptoms of acute hepatitisUse of REVIA should be discontinued in the event of symptoms and/or signs of acute hepatitis.
REVIA has been shown to produce complete blockade of the euphoric effects of opioids in both volunteer and addict populationsWhen administered by means that enforce complianceit will produce an effective opioid blockadebut has not been shown to affect the use of cocaine or other non-opioid drugs of abuse.
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