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AnticoagulantsYour doctor is likely to prescribe the anticoagulant warfarinCoumadinJantovento help prevent the formation of blood clots within the small pulmonary arteriesBecause anticoagulants prevent normal blood coagulationthey increase your risk of bleeding complicationsTake warfarin exactly as prescribedbecause warfarin can cause severe side effects if taken incorrectlyIf you’re taking warfarinyour doctor will ask you to have periodic blood tests to check how well the drug is workingMany other drugsherbal supplements and foods can interact with warfarinso be sure your doctor knows all of the medications you’re takingDigoxinDigoxinLanoxincan help the heart beat stronger and pump more bloodIt can help control the heart rate if you experience arrhythmiasDiureticsCommonly known as water pillsthese medications help eliminate excess fluid from your bodyThis reduces the amount of work your heart has to doThey may also be used to limit fluid buildup in your lungsOxygenYour doctor might suggest that you sometimes breathe pure oxygena treatment known as oxygen therapyto help treat pulmonary hypertensionespecially if you live at a high altitude or have sleep apneaSome people who have pulmonary hypertension eventually require continuous oxygen therapy.
Blood vessel dilatorsvasodilatorsVasodilators open narrowed blood vesselsThey are one of the most commonly prescribed vasodilators for pulmonary hypertension is epoprostenolFlolanVeletriThe drawback to epoprostenol is that the effect lasts only for few minutesThis drug is continuously injected through an intravenousIVcatheter via a small pump that you wear in a pack on your belt or shoulderVentavisAnother form of the drugiloprostVentaviscan be inhaled six to nine times a day through a nebulizera machine that vaporizes your medicationBecause it’s inhaledit goes directly to the lungsTreprostinilTyvasoRemodulinOrenitramIt is another form of the drugwhich can be given four times a day and can be inhaled or can be taken as an oral medication and can also be administered through injectionEndothelin receptor antagonistsThese medications reverse the effect of endothelina substance in the walls of blood vessels that causes them to narrowThese drugs may improve your energy level and symptomsHoweverthese drugs shouldn’t be taken if you’re pregnantAlsothese drugs can damage your liver and you may need monthly liver monitoringSildenafil and tadalafilSildenafilRevatioViagraand tadalafilCialisAdcircaare sometimes used to treat pulmonary hypertensionThese drugs work by opening the blood vessels in the lungs to allow blood to flow through more easilyHigh-dose calcium channel blockersThese drugs help relax the muscles in the walls of your blood vesselsThey include medicationssuch as amlodipineNorvascdiltiazemCardizemTiazacothersand nifedipineProcardiaothersAlthough calcium channel blockers can be effectiveonly a small number of people with pulmonary hypertension respond to themSoluble guanylate cyclaseSGCstimulatorSoluble guanylate cyclaseSGCstimulatorsAdempasinteract with nitric oxide and help relax the pulmonary arteries and lower the pressure within the arteriesThese medications should not be taken if you’re pregnantThey can sometimes cause dizziness or nausea.
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In order to reduce the probability of side effectsit is needed to know contraindications for the medication useDo not take Sildenafil in case if you suffer from the following conditions:
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