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Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors may decrease the effectives of prochlorperazineCentrally acting acetylcholinesterase inhibitors may increase the neurotoxic effects of antipsychotic agentsCombining prochlorperazine with alcoholkava kavaCNS depressantsand cannabis may increase the risk of CNS depressant side effectsAntacids may decrease the absorption of prochlorperazineProchlorperazine may cause anticholinergic side effects such as dry mouthconstipationdry eyesdecreased urinary outputand mental confusionCombining agents with similar anticholinergic effects increases the risk of experiencing such adverse eventsProchlorperazine may increase the blood levels of dofetilideTikosynUse of both drugs is not recommendedDeferoxamineDesferalmay increase the risk of experiencing side effects of prochlorperazine treatmentCombination use has resulted in the prolonged loss of consciousnessMetoclopramideReglanmay increase the side effects of antipsychotic agentsCombination use is not recommendedProchlorperazine may increase the CNS depressant effects of orphenadrineNorflexor paraldehydeParalCombination use is not recommendedCombining prochlorperazine and potassium chloride may result in an increase in the ulcerogenic effect of potassium chlorideKlor-ConCombination use is generally not recommendedCombining prochlorperazine with thalidomideThalomidmay increase the risk of experiencing CNS depressant side effectsThis combination is generally not recommended.
Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effectsincludingmental/mood changessuch as agitationrestlessnessunusual/uncontrolled movementssuch as fixed upward stareneck twistingtongue movementsmuscle spasmsshakingtremordifficulty urinatingenlarged/tender breastsunusual breast milk productionweaknesseasy bleeding/bruisingsigns of infectionsuch as feverpersistent sore throatsevere stomach/abdominal painpersistent nausea/vomitingyellowing eyes/skin.
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Compazinetaken by mouthis used to treat psychotic disorders such as schizophreniaIt is also used to treat anxietyand to control severe nausea and vomiting.
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