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How is flutamide typically givenadministeredFlutamide is a capsule that is taken orally and the dose depends on several factorsincluding the condition being treatedthe size of the patientthe particular regimen being used and the overall health of the patientDosing of flutamide should be spaced out evenly during the day if patients take more than one dose per dayThe capsules can be opened and mixed with soft foodsbut not liquidsPatients and their physicians will discuss optimal scheduling for flutamide.
Keep well-hydrated with eight glasses of water dailyDrink ice water or apply an ice pack at the onset of a hot flashWear cotton or lightweightbreathable fabrics and dress in layers so you can adjust as neededExercise on a regular basisTry practicing meditation or relaxation exercises to manage stresswhich can be a triggerAvoid triggers such as warm roomsspicy foodscaffeinated beveragesand alcohol.
WARNINGRarelyflutamide has caused severesometimes fatalliver problemsImmediately tell your doctor if you develop symptoms of liver problemssuch as loss of appetitepersistent nausea/vomitingpersistent stomach/abdominal painsevere tirednessdark urineyellowing eyes/skinaching musclesjoint painLiver problems can happen at any time while taking flutamidebut they occur most often during the first 3 months of treatmentYour doctor will tell you whether to stop or continue flutamideYour doctor will monitor your liver function with blood tests while you take flutamideKeep all medical and laboratory appointmentsAvoid alcohol while taking flutamide.
Eulexin Capsules contain flutamidean acetanilidnonsteroidalorally active antiandrogen having the chemical name2-methylN4-nitro-3trifluoromethyl)phenyl]propanamide.
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