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The initial dosage for a patient suffering from fingernail onychomycosis is lamisil 250mg once a day for six weeks, and for those suffering from toenail onychomycosis, lamisil 250mg once a day for 12 weeks is recommended.

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A wide range of in vivo studies in miceratsdogsand monkeysand in vitro studies using ratmonkeyand human hepatocytes suggest that peroxisome proliferation in the liver is a rat-specific findingHoweverother effectsincluding increased liver weights and APTToccurred in dogs and monkeys at doses giving Css trough levels of the parent terbinafine 2-3x those seen in humans at the MRHDHigher doses were not tested.

There is no evidence to suggest that elderly patients require different dosages or experience sideeffects different to those of younger patients.

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