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Information about Lanoxin.
Take one large single dose and then begin your maintenance dose or take a smaller dose each day for a week and then begin your maintenance dose.
Though this medication is used to treat a certain type of irregular heartbeatit may rarely cause other types of irregular heartbeatsTell your doctor right away if you notice any unusually fast/slow/irregular heartbeat.
Spironolactone and DLIS are much more extensively protein-bound than digoxinAs a resultassays of free digoxin levels in protein-free ultrafiltratewhich tend to be about 25less than total levelsconsistent with the usual extent of protein bindingare less affected by spironolactone or DLISIt should be noted that ultrafiltration does not solve all interference problems with alternative medicinesThe use of an LC/MS/MS method may be the better option according to the good results it providesespecially in term of specificity and limit of quantization.
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