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Tinnitus and decreased hearing have been reported in patients on MINOCINminocycline hydrochloride

Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effectsincludingpainful/difficult swallowinghearing changessuch as ringing in the earsdecreased hearingjoint stiffness/pain/swellingsigns of kidney problemssuch as change in the amount of urinepink urinesigns of liver problemssuch as loss of appetitestomach/abdominal painyellowing eyes/skindark urineyellow-gray-brown tooth discolorationblue-gray skin/tongue/lips/gums

Upper respiratory tract infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniaeSkin and skin structure infections caused by Staphylococcus aureusNoteMinocycline is not the drug of choice in the treatment of any type of staphylococcal infection

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