Topical zovirax does not prevent the recurrence of sores but may decrease pain and itching if applied when the earliest symptoms first appear.

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In a non-standard test in ratsfoetal abnormalities were observed but only following such high subcutaneous doses that maternal toxicity was producedThe clinical relevance of these findings is uncertain.
Before using this medicationtell your doctor or pharmacist your medical historyespecially ofkidney problemsconditions related to a weakened immune systemsuch as HIV diseasebone marrow transplantkidney transplant
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AAcyclovirZoviraxis an antiviral medication indicated for the acute treatment of herpes zostershinglesthe treatment of initial episodes and the management of recurrent episodes of genital herpes and the treatment of chickenpoxAcyclovir is only approvedby the U.SFood and Drug AdministrationFDAfor the treatment of chickenpox in the pediatric population 2 year of age and olderThe safety and effectiveness of oral acyclovir in the pediatric populationyounger than 2 years of agehas not been establishedThe dosage and administration of oral acyclovir depends upon the indication for use and age of the patientAcyclovir can be administered with or without foodAcyclovir is the generic equivalent of Zovirax and is currently availablefor oral administrationin capsule and tablet form and as a suspension for patients who have difficulty swallowing pillsTreatment with acyclovir should be initiated as soon as possible after the first appearance of symptomssuch as tinglingburning or blistersPatients being treated with acyclovir are advised to stay adequately hydrated and take each dose with a full glass of water to protect the kidneysThe most frequently reported adverse reactions differed among clinical trials of acyclovir depending on the indication for useDuring clinical trials of treatment with acyclovirthe most frequently reported adverse reactions included nauseavomitingdiarrheamalaise and headacheFor the treatment of shinglesthere is no information regarding initiation of treatment more than 72 hours following the onset of rashPatients should initiate treatment as soon as possible after diagnosisFor the treatment of chickenpoxinformation gathered during clinical studies reflects initiation of treatment within 24 hours following rashThere is no information available regarding the effectiveness of treatment initiated after 24 hoursPatients should be advised that acyclovir is not a cure for genital herpes and there is no available research regarding whether acyclovir will prevent the transmission of the virus to other individuals.
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