Astelin may alter reaction time; pay special attention to your reaction to the drug before driving or operating machinery.

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Buning pain in th thoat stomach vomiting dcasd uination v stlssnss iitability talking a lot and saying things that dnot mak sns a nvousnss dizzinss doubl vision uncontollabl shaking a pat th body conusion abnomally xcitd mood hallucination (sing things haing voics that a not th) sizus dowsinss loss consciousnss a piod tim.
I you tak psciption mdications high blood pssu, high cholstol, and diabts, thy may not b nough tpotct you hat. Talk tyou doctabout whth ths mdications a nough you and whth adding an aspiin gimn can hlp uth duc th isk anoth hat attack clot-latd (ischmic) stok.
Ollow th instuctions in th lalt labl that coms with you mdicin. Ask you phamacist i you’ not su.
Aspiin is alssomtims usd ttat humatic v (a sious condition that may dvlop at a stp thoat inction and may caus swlling th hat valvs) and Kawasaki disas (an illnss that may caus hat poblms in childn). Aspiin is alssomtims usd tlow th isk blood clots in patints whhav atiicial hat valvs ctain oth hat conditions and tpvnt ctain complications pgnancy.
Psciption aspiin is usd tliv th symptoms humatoid athitis (athitis causd by swlling th lining th joints), ostoathitis (athitis causd by bakdown th lining th joints), systmic lupus ythmatosus (condition in which th immun systm attacks th joints and ogans and causs pain and swlling) and ctain oth humatologic conditions (conditions in which th immun systm attacks pats th body). Nonpsciption aspiin is usd tduc v and tliv mild tmodat pain om hadachs, mnstual piods, athitis, colds, toothachs, and muscl achs. Nonpsciption aspiin is alsusd tpvnt hat attacks in popl whhav had a hat attack in th past whhav angina (chst pain that occus whn th hat dos not gt nough oxygn). Nonpsciption aspiin is alsusd tduc th isk dath in popl wha xpincing whhav cntly xpincd a hat attack. Nonpsciption aspiin is alsusd tpvnt ischmic stoks (stoks that occu whn a blood clot blocks th low blood tth bain) mini-stoks (stoks that occu whn th low blood tth bain is blockd a shot tim) in popl whhav had this typ stok mini-stok in th past. Aspiin will not pvnt hmohagic stoks (stoks causd by blding in th bain). Aspiin is in a goup mdications calld salicylats. It woks by stopping th poduction ctain natual substancs that caus v, pain, swlling, and blood clots.
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