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Joint pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritisChronic back and muscular painJoint pain after menopause.
OA is a degenerative inflammatory disorderwhere joint inflammation initially causes painsandhishulaand later swellingsandhishothaDue to pain and swellingthe mobility of joints is restrictedstambhaand on movement results in excruciating painprasarana akunchanayoho vedanawhich becomes unbearable even on mild touch in the form of tendernesssparsha asahyataThe degenerative changes later result in manifestation of crepitussandhisphutanaSandhigata vata and OA are quite similar diseases found in clinical practice in which the etiopathogenesis and symptoms overlaps.
3 Professor and HeadDepartment of Kayachikitsa and Roga Nidana and Vikriti VijnanaSDM Research Centre for Ayurveda and Allied SciencesUdupiKarnatakaIndia.
The improvement in radiological findings such as joint spacesubarticular sclerosissynovial effusionarticular erosion and osteophytes was due to the anti-inflammatory activity of Bserrata resinIt soothes the joints and also helps treat levels of synovial fluidmaking the entire structure lubricated and easy to rotate or to moveAKBA helps preserve structural integrity of the joint cartilage and maintains a healthy immune mediator cascade at a cellular levelShallaki is mediated through the vascular phenomenonit improves blood supply to joints and restores integrity of vessels obliterated by spasm of internal damage13Decrease in biochemical parametersmainlyCRPserum triglycerides and erythrocyte sedimentation rateESRis due to anti-inflammatory activity.
Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionalsThis website is meant for use by Indian residents only.
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