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For centuriesmany people have used alternative therapies to help or cure common conditionsCertain herbs have been used to help reduce or prevent migrainesSome can be just as strong or effective as prescription drugsThereforeit is important to rememberif you consider using any type of herbal supplementsconsult your doctor firstMake sure it does not conflict with any medications you are currently takingYou should not take any herbal supplements or drugs unless your doctor says it is OK and if you are pregnantyou should not take any herbal supplements because it may harm the baby.
For centuriesmany people have used alternative therapies to help or cure common conditionsCertain herbs have been used to help reduce or prevent migrainesSome can be just as strong or effective as prescription drugsThereforeit is important to rememberif you consider using any type of herbal supplementsconsult your doctor firstMake sure it does not conflict with any medications you are currently takingYou should not take any herbal supplements or drugs unless your doctor says it is OK and if you are pregnantyou should not take any herbal supplements because it may harm the baby.
Not getting enough sleep is perhaps the greatest unappreciated cause of memory slipsToo little restful sleep can also lead to mood changes and anxietywhich in turn contribute to problems with memory.
Anything that makes it harder to concentrate and lock in new information and skills can lead to memory problemsStress and anxiety fill the billBoth can interfere with attention and block the formation of new memories or the retrieval of old ones.
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