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Joseph Baca DirectorOffice of Compliance Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.
Pilex is a ayurvedic formulation which combats pileshemorrhoidsIt majorly contains Lajjalu and Yashad bhasmaPilex shrinks pile masscontrols bleeding and heals inflamed skin and the mucus membraneThe drug offers symptomatic relief from rectal bleedingpainitchiness and corrects chronic constipation associated with hemorrhoidsThe local analgesic property of Pilex relieves pain and ensures pain-free fecal excretionPilex also acts as an antimicrobial and prevents secondary microbial infections in the body.
Pilex tablet contains DaruhaldiBerberis AristataNeem seeds and Nagkesarwhich are effective remedies for bleeding pilesIn mild casesit alone can provide good reliefPilex is effective if one has mild bleeding with hemorrhoidsIn severe casesone may also require other remedies including Praval PishtiKaharva PishtiTrinkant Mani PishtiYashtimadhuAmlaArshoghni Vati etcYou can find details hereAyurvedic Treatment for Piles.
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