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Information about Plaquenil.

There may be an interaction between hydroxychloroquine and any of the following:

Dermatologic reactions to PLAQUENIL may occur andthereforeproper care should be exercised when it is administered to any patient receiving a drug with a significant tendency to produce dermatitis.

The compound is cumulative in action and will require several weeks to exert its beneficial therapeutic effectswhereas minor side effects may occur relatively earlySeveral months of therapy may be required before maximum effects can be obtainedIf objective improvementsuch as reduced joint swellingincreased mobilitydoes not occur within six monthsthe drug should be discontinuedSafe use of the drug in the treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis has not been established.

A small number of cases of retinal changes have been reported as occurring in patients who received only hydroxychloroquineThese usually consisted of alteration in retinal pigmentation which was detected on periodic ophthalmologic examinationvisual field defects were also present in some instancesA case of delayed retinopathy has been reported with loss of vision starting one year after administration of hydroxychloroquine had been discontinued.

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