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Carefully consider the potential benefits and risks of Ponstel and other treatment options before deciding to use PonstelUse the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration consistent with individual patient treatment goalssee WARNINGSGastrointestinal BleedingUlcerationand Perforation
NSAIDsincluding Ponstelmay increase the risk of bleeding eventsCo-morbid conditions such as coagulation disorders or concomitant use of warfarinother anticoagulantsantiplatelet agentse.gaspirinserotonin reuptake inhibitorsSSRIsand serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorsSNRIsmay increase this riskMonitor these patients for signs of bleedingsee PRECAUTIONSDrug Interactions
If you think there has been an overdosecall your poison control center or get medical care right awayBe ready to tell or show what was takenhow muchand when it happened.
This drug may rarely cause seriouspossibly fatal liver diseaseIf you notice any of the following rare but very seriousside effectsstop taking mefenamic acid and consult your doctor or pharmacist right awaypersistent nausea/vomitingsevere stomach/abdominal painweaknessdark urineyellowing eyes/skin.
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