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Stop taking metoclopramide and call your doctor at once if you have any of these SIGNS OF A SERIOUS MOVEMENT DISORDERwhich may occur within the first 2 days of treatment:
Hemodialysis removes relatively little metoclopramideprobably because of the small amount of the drug in blood relative to tissuesSimilarlycontinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis does not remove significant amounts of drugIt is unlikely that dosage would need to be adjusted to compensate for losses through dialysisDialysis is not likely to be an effective method of drug removal in overdose situations.
For these reasonsdose selection for an elderly patient should be cautioususually starting at the low end of the dosing rangereflecting the greater frequency of decreased renal functionconcomitant diseaseor other drug therapy in the elderlysee Use in Patients With Renal or Hepatic Impairment
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