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Pantoprazole sodium may produce false-positive urine screen for THCtetrahydrocannabinolsee Drug Interactions7
In vivo studies also suggest that pantoprazole does not significantly affect the kinetics of other drugscisapridetheophyllinediazepamand its active metabolitedesmethyldiazepamphenytoinmetoprololnifedipinecarbamazepinemidazolamclarithromycindiclofenacnaproxenpiroxicam and oral contraceptiveslevonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiolIn other in vivo studiesdigoxinethanolglyburideantipyrinecaffeinemetronidazoleand amoxicillin had no clinically relevant interactions with pantoprazole.
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Only for intravenous infusionother parenteral routes of administration are not recommended.
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