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[Mordecai instructed themto observe them as days of feasting and gladnessand sending delicacies to one anotherand gifts to the poor.Esther 9:22.
A story is told in ChabadLubavitcher Chasidic Judaismof that 1953 Purimthe Lubavitcher Rebbe led a Purim gathering and was asked to give a blessing for the Jews of the Soviet Unionwho were known to be in great dangerThe Rebbe instead told a cryptic story about a man who was voting in the Soviet Union and heard people cheering for the candidateHoorahHoorahThe man did not want to cheerbut was afraid to not cheerso he saidhoorahbut in his hearthe meant it in Hebrewhu rawhich meanshe is evilThe crowd at the Rebbe’s 1953 gathering began chantinghu raregarding Stalinand that nightStalin suffered the stroke that lead to his death a few days later.
The Purim holiday is preceded by a minor fastthe Fast of Estherwhich commemorates Esther’s three days of fasting in preparation for her meeting with the king.
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the holiday of purim always begins on the evening of a full moon, but there is no such term as a purim moon within judaism.