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FDA pregnancy category CIt is not known whether Ventolin will harm an unborn babyTell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while using VentolinIt is not known whether albuterol passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing babyYou should not breast-feed while you are using albuterolA Ventolin HFA inhaler should not be given to a child younger than 4 years old.

Ventolin Sugar Free SyrupConsumer Medicines Information leaflets of prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

VENTOLIN HFA Inhalation Aerosol is supplied in the following boxes of 1 as a pressurized aluminum canister fitted with a counter and supplied with a blue plastic actuator with a blue strapcap:

In vitro dose characterization studies were performed to evaluate the delivery of VENTOLIN HFA via holding chambers with attached masksThe studies were conducted with 2 different holding chambers with maskssmall and medium sizeThe in vitro study data when simulating patient breathing suggest that the dose of VENTOLIN HFA presented for inhalation via a valved holding chamber with mask will be comparable to the dose delivered in adults without a spacer and mask per kilogram of body weightTable 2Howeverclinical trials in children younger than 4 years described above suggest that either the optimal dose of VENTOLIN HFA has not been defined in this age-group or VENTOLIN HFA is not effective in this age-groupThe safety and effectiveness of VENTOLIN HFA administered with or without a spacer device in children younger than 4 years have not been demonstrated.

If you use more than one inhalation at a timewait at least 1 minute before using the second inhalation and shake the inhaler again.

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