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Information about Prevacid.

Frequency not reportedAstheniacandidiasisflu syndromeinfectionnot otherwise specifiedchillsmalaisepainthirstdeafnessear disorderotitis mediatinnitusmetaplasiaincreased globulinsadditional isolated laboratory abnormalitiesRef]

Take Prevacid for the full prescribed length of timeYour symptoms may improve before your condition is completely treated.

Do not take Prevacid without consulting your doctor if you also takeAminophyllineTruphyllineAmpicillinOmnipenBisacodylAlophenBisa-PlexBisac-EvacBisco-LaxClopidogrelPlavixDelavirdineRescriptorFluvoxamineLuvoxIron salts SucralfateCarafateTheophyllineUniphylTheo-DurAstemizoleHismanalVoriconazoleVFENDReyatazAtazanavirNizoralKetoconazole)

Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve or if they get worse while you are taking PrevacidIf you take Prevacid OTCcall your doctor if your heartburn gets worse over the 14-day treatmentor if you need treatment more than once every 4 months.

Frequency not reportedDyspepsiapseudomembranous colitisabdomen enlargedhalitosisabnormal stoolsbezoarcardiospasmdysphagiaenteritiseructationesophageal stenosis/ulcers/disorderesophagitisfecal discolorationgastric nodulesgastritisgastroenteritisgastrointestinal anomaly/disorder/hemorrhagegum hemorrhagehematemesishiatal herniaimpaired gastric emptyingincreased salivationmelenamouth ulcerationgastrointestinal moniliasisrectal disorder/hemorrhagetongue disorderulcerative colitis/stomatitistenesmusduodenitispositive fecal occult blood.

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