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In short, if you are sceptical about any particular health condition, do consult your physician before consuming shatavari and always go slow-start with minimum dosage and gradually increase to the optimum level.

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Information about Shatavari.

In this articlewe look at the useshealth benefitsand side effects of shatavariand whether it is safe to take during pregnancy.

Shatavari is used as a folk remedy for diarrheaDiarrhea may cause serious problemssuch as dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Very little research has investigated the effects of shatavari in humansAnyone who takes the supplement runs certain risks.

If a person has any of these symptoms after taking shatavarithey should seek immediate medical attention.

Shatavari is thought to have a diuretic effect that inhibits the body’s ability to absorb sodiumThis means that people taking the supplement may have a higher risk of becoming dehydratedAnyone taking diuretic medication should avoid shatavari.

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